Pro-competitive tools

Pro-competitive tools is one of the indicators used to calculate the zIndex score for evaluating contracting authorities.

What does this evaluate?

The pro-competitive tools indicator evaluates to what extent each contracting authority uses optional procompetitive tools, namely:

Why do we evaluate this?

Use of the optional tools listed above fosters fair competition (OECD (2008)). This indicator rewards contracting authorities for implementing these additional activities (where appropriate), which go beyond their legal obligations and support a competitive environment in public procurement.

How do we evaluate this?

The indicator consists of five components:

  1. E-auctions as a share of the total number of contracts in the reference period.
  2. The share of contracts split into lots, out of the total number of contracts.
  3. The share of contracts which are evaluated using quality based criteria (not necessarily exclusively), out of the total number of contracts.
  4. The share of „innovative procedures“, out of the total number of contracts
  5. Contracts with an above-standard tender submission period (at least 35 days for below-the-threshold and 40 days for above-the-threshold contracts), expressed as a share of contracts in the reference period. Only open procedures and simplified below-the-threshold procedures are evaluated for this component.

It would make no sense to require the use of these instruments in every contract as a proof of best practice. The maximum rating for this indicator is therefore assigned to any contracting authority that uses each of those instruments in at least 20 % of cases (with the exception of number of „innovative procedures“ where even just 10 % rate of use leads to full contribution). At the same time, the maximum contribution of each instrument is limited to 1/5. This means that a contracting authority splitting all of its contracts into lots but never using any other procompetitive tool is assigned the indicator value of 1/5.

All contracts whose expected value was below 1 million CZK are omitted from the evaluation of this indicator, because they may include voluntarily published small-scale contracts, for which there is very little advantage from using the before mentioned tools.

$$z_6 = \Bigg( \frac{number\:of\:e-auctions}{number\:of\:contracts} + \frac{number\:of\:contracts\:split\:into\:lots}{number\:of\:contracts} + \frac{number\:of\:contracts\:based\:on\:qualitative\:criteria}{number\:of\:contracts}+\\ \frac{\:2\times\:number\:"innovative\:procedures"}{number\:of\:contracts}+ \frac{number\:of\:extended\:bid\:deadlines}{number\:of\:contracts\:in\:open\:and\:below-the-threshold\:procedure}\Bigg)$$

The purpose of the square root in the formula is to diminish the differences between the authorities' scores and reduce variance, in order to facilitate comparability with other zIndex indicators.

Who may be discriminated by this indicator?